Is your company’s marketing strategy in place for 2023?

What are your sales and growth goals for 2023? What new tools and tactics will you employ?

If you haven’t already begun, now is the time to prepare your strategy to grow your industrial business throughout the coming year.

Need more information? Read our article HERE.

Download our FREE Quick 2023 Marketing Plan Checklist


Getting your marketing ready and preparing or implementing a plan may be overwhelming for many industrial manufacturers and job shops, but that is where experts like The Rico Group come in. We take care of all these tasks for you, so you don’t have to worry or take the time to figure it out, and you can get back to doing what you do best – making your customers happy.

All Industrial, All The Time!

We are your bolt-on marketing department and we get results. Our clients typically see a 10x ROI from our efforts within 12-24 months.

We offer solutions that seamlessly and effectively combine digital and analog marketing tactics to drive better results for your business. Over the last 30 years in the industry our clients have sworn by these strategies—because they work.

Our solutions give you the full capabilities of an in-house marketing department at a fraction of what it would cost you to hire a full-time marketing crew. We know how engineers think and what they are looking for. We know your processes, equipment, and materials. We also know that you have very little time to take away from your production and getting your customer’s orders delivered.


Interested in seeing a comprehensive outline of what your current digital marketing efforts are really doing for your company? We offer a free in-depth analysis of your company’s online marketing to give you real and helpful insights into what your digital footprint is and what you can do to improve it. The report also comes with a full competitor analysis and a free expert consultation to review the report with you and answer any questions you may have about the information.


Need a bit of guidance to get started?
Grab a copy of our free comprehensive Industrial Job Shop Marketing Guide.

Our easy-to-understand guide goes over strategies you can quickly incorporate into any plan or budget as well as walks you through the process of generating more qualified leads for your industrial manufacturing company.