COVID-19 & The Rico Group

The Rico Group is aware that our manufacturing community has been dramatically affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of your staff is working from home, some is still working at your facilities, and some of you have had to close entirely for a bit.

We want you to know that The Rico Group is still open and here to help you with all of your marketing needs. You won’t see any disruptions or delays on our end. We are doing our best to make sure we meet all deadlines as usual. Our staff is all working from home, taking all necessary precautions, and following all directives issued by our local authorities.

We know that those of you that are open are busy dealing with limited production capabilities and are trying to keep your business running as smoothly as possible while things are in flux right now. Please know that The Rico Group truly is your marketing partner; we are here to help you communicate with your customers, vendors, and prospects to let them know your status, if there will be any delays in processing/shipping/manufacturing, and how you are handling those temporary delays.

Please contact me directly if you need any assistance or have any questions. We will get through this together. Stay safe and healthy everyone.
-Rico Mandel, CEO
The Rico Group | (805) 497-7401